Garland Animal Clinic

General Appointments
We ask that you arrive for your appointment 15 minute prior to your scheduled time in order to begin the check in process.

Surgical, Dental, & Anesthetic Appointments
We prefer surgery and dental patients to be dropped off at the clinic between 7:00 am and 7:30 am. If you have any needs other than these please ask our reception staff and we will try to accommodate you.
Surgeries and dental appointments are done on weekdays only. Please withhold all food and treats from your pet after 8:00pm the night before their procedure. Water is ok.

Medical Appointments & Blood Draws
We recommend that blood work recheck and appointments are scheduled so that we may draw a fasting blood draw. This means that your pet should not have food for 12 hours before the scheduled blood draw/lab test. Special tests for drug monitoring have different rules so please check with our staff for proper scheduling and protocols. Anytime your pet is sick we will get them in for an appointment as soon as possible.